Week 8 Reading and Writing
Looking Back
I'm pretty happy with the class and the work I have done in it so far. The writing is great for me. I love having a class where I can work creative muscles so freely. I especially enjoy that most of the legwork of the stories is already done for me. It's just my voice getting some practice and refinement.
I'm perfectly happy with my blog and project website. The real importance for me in each of these websites is getting my assignments done and being able to enjoy the writing I am doing. As long as the sites can be navigated easily, I don't much care about there aesthetics. I'm not trying to generate traffic.
I'm very satisfied with the writing I have done so far on my project. I'm really excited about the concept and the voice I've chosen to tell the story. It's fun. I think I'm doing some pretty good writing on there. I won't say its the best writing I've ever done, but it's enjoyable for me and I'm satisfied. I feel mostly the same way about my story posts. I'm not as excited about those most of the time. Some of them have felt really creative and fun to write. Others have felt 100% like homework I dread doing. That's writing though. Overall, I'm happy with it. I could do a lot worse. I have done a lot worse.
I think my biggest accomplishment this class has been my storybook project. I'm really proud of the dumb, meta concept that I came up with. It's nothing super original or exciting in the grand scheme of things. However, it's pretty high concept for me and I love the ride that it has been so far. I only wish I didn't need to reference other literary works as inspiration. I don't think that much about them while writing and their inspirations are loose. I just want to tell my dumb writer story.

(Illustration by H.J. Ford)
This is an image of an illustration from the Voyages of Sindbad. I chose this image because it was a direct illustration of the story I was taking notes on. Also, I just found the image, like the story, to be a really wild piece. Who doesn't love a drawing of a man strapped to a giant bird's claws?

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