Week 8 Progress
Looking Back
I think I am happy with my progress so far. It has been an interesting class, and I think I've really come into my own in it. I'm enjoying the work I'm doing. I'm currently most proud of the work I have done on the storybook. I really like my idea. I think the execution is going well so far. I think I'll genuinely want to save and share this bit of writing once I am done and have done a couple rewrites.
I think I have a good weekly routine. I break the week up into a couple hours a day over three days. I usually get the reading done on Tuesday, the story writing, blog comments, and feedback done on Thursday, and I use one of the weekend days to get the project piece for that week done.
I enjoy the weekly writing the most. Having a chance to refine and develop my voice as a writer while doing very little work developing a story has been really nice. In fact, even after this class I may use rewriting short stories as an exercise or writing warm up in the future.
I have not been using any of the extra credit options. Although, I might need to now since I missed last week's story writing. I think things have gone well with the blog and project website. I'm not too concerned with their prettiness. They work and are easy to navigate. That's all I want.
Looking Forward
For the second half of the semester, I would like to do some story rewrites if I have the time. I have a couple stories that I enjoyed writing with a few comments worth of feedback. I think it may be a good exercise to go back and do some rewrites for my personal growth outside of class. I'm not sure if time will permit. I'm also not sure that I'll really want to even if I did have the time. However, it's something to think about.
I think the biggest pitfall to avoid is procrastination. I have been teetering on the edge so far this semester. I lost one assignment for this class already. I worry I am getting a bit too comfortable. It's only a matte of time before I mess up and wait too long for a bigger assignment. So, I am trying to be very wary of time management.
Something new I'd like to try is writing from the antagonists perspective in one of my stories. Why does the bad guy do what they do? I think it would be a good exercise in writing and character development. Plus, I'm sure it'd be interesting for people to read. Beyond that, I don't have anything I'd like to change about my work in this class so far.
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Photo of Banksy work (Flickr) |
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